
Monday Feb 21, 2022
Episode 152: Why Do Churches Keep Bad Pastors
Monday Feb 21, 2022
Monday Feb 21, 2022
Episode 152: Why Do Churches Keep Bad Pastors
What is a bad pastor? One who does not fulfill his calling to pastor.
Why does a church allow them to stay?
They think he is the best they can get - has a pulse
Dying church
Don’t like conflict

Monday Feb 14, 2022
Episode 151: The Insulated Pastor
Monday Feb 14, 2022
Monday Feb 14, 2022
Episode 151: The Insulated Pastor
Insulated = protected
Insulated = not feeling and not caring
Insulated pastors
- enter ministry with eyes closed to the world around them
- have a false set of expectations
- have a hard time relating to church members
- Have no experience working in the secular world
- Don’t visit people in their work settings
Mark Hutt. “ I never knew a pastor who could actually do something “
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Monday Feb 07, 2022
Episode 150: The Embattled Pastor
Monday Feb 07, 2022
Monday Feb 07, 2022
Episode 150: The Embattled Pastor
The great resignation is effecting everyone - including churches. Pastors are resigning from churches.
Isn't ministry the best job in the world?
and no
I was told "if you can do anything else - do it"
Ministry is seeing the greatness and glory of God impacting people
but the old joke among pastors is that ministry would be lots of fun if it wasn't for the people.
People are all sinful. The basis of sin is self or selfishness.
so our selfishness runs amok and makes for a war between people. Because we all want what we want and don't really care about what other people need. That even happens in church.
There is usually a power struggle happening in churches. Lots of time that is a struggle between Pastors and Shadow Pastors (those who are trying to take control in the shadows.)
This constant struggle or war or battle - takes a toll on Pastors
Embattled pastors are in constant fights with members, often over trivial matters.
How does the battle affect pastors?
But our battle is not against flesh and blood - those folks in your pews are not your enemy!
Overcoming these only happens with
Sometimes you have to walk away from the church.
Contact us at enduringchurches.com
email us alan@enduringchurches.consulting

Monday Jan 31, 2022
Episode 149: The Plateaued Pastor
Monday Jan 31, 2022
Monday Jan 31, 2022
Episode 149: The Plateaued Pastor
The agenda driven pastor goes in with an agenda, but hardly anyone goes into a pastorate planning to plateau.

Monday Jan 24, 2022
Episode 148: The Agenda Driven Pastor
Monday Jan 24, 2022
Monday Jan 24, 2022
Episode 148: The Agenda Driven Pastor
Agenda driven pastors...
Are your accomplishments people-based or project-based?
While churches needs to complete projects, our role is to invest in and equip disciples.

Monday Jan 17, 2022
Episode147: The Over-Confident/Ego-Driven Pastor
Monday Jan 17, 2022
Monday Jan 17, 2022
Episode147: The Over-Confident/Ego-Driven Pastor
Luke 14:8. Don’t take the seat of honor or you will be humiliated
Matthew 6:5 don’t be like the Pharisees who like to be seen by men
So there is a balance here that we have to strike
Matt Monge - Ego Driven Leaders Kill Churches
If you sense your ego might be inflated?
Ask yourself "who am I trying to make famous?"
Isaiah 26:8
Who has the right to speak into my life?
When I only get people to follow me as a pastor - what happens to the church when I leave?
see also

Monday Jan 10, 2022
Episode 146: The Insecure Pastor
Monday Jan 10, 2022
Monday Jan 10, 2022
Insecurity shows up in several ways
How do you overcome insecurity?
If it’s in your job - how does that affect your thoughts and actions?
If it’s in your ability to speak well?
If it’s in your ability to grow your church?
What should your security be based on?
If your sense of worth and sense of security comes from anything other than Jesus - you will struggle
From Zach Young:
It’s foundational. If you don’t start with identity then you’ve missed it, and you’ll end up spending the rest of your life “searching for yourself.”
We have to understand who God is and what He created us for. If we don’t operate out of that identity, then we start working out of our own thoughts, abilities, and so on. And that’s how we become anxious, depressed, burnt out, and insecure. Because we are working towards an identity instead of from it. So for me, God had to get me to stop and reevaluate. I had to ask am I in this thing based on what I think or feel, or am I in this because I understand how loved I am. God had to teach me what I am really created for and what my purpose is… which is simply relationship. That’s what the entire Bible is all about. Just knowing God and being known by him. And when we understand that, then all of a sudden, that’s my only concern. And now I don’t have all of this pressure to perform, or create an identity, or any of the other absurd things we put ourselves through. Now all of a sudden, my only job is to enjoy God and tell others that I am enjoying God.
So to encourage another follower of Jesus, I would say slow down. Ask the dumb questions. And most importantly ask God to show you who you are.
And a true test to see if you really believe that you are who God says you are… go look yourself in the mirror for 5 minutes straight and speak nothing but identity. I guarantee God will begin to show you where your heart really is.
I’ll put it this way. I’ve been a young adult pastor for a year now, and literally for the entire year I’ve only taught on one thing… identity in Christ.

Monday Jan 03, 2022
Episode 145: Let’s Change the Scorecard
Monday Jan 03, 2022
Monday Jan 03, 2022
Episode 145: Let's Change the Scorecard
Old scoreboard
Nickels- giving
Noses - attendance to worship or events
Jonathan Edwards - Distinguishing Marks
A steady accumulation of decisions - might be - but not if no discipleship follows.
Large attendance - maybe. . .
emotional experience - maybe. . .
A Fruitful church is empowered by the Holy Spirit and have a heart for those outside the church
New expanded scoreboard
Add these
Sent out
Engaging conversations
Impact opportunities in the community
Mission opportunities given to new people
relationships restored
A church can be fruitful and not huge
Missional Renaissance by Reggie McNeal |

Monday Dec 27, 2021
Episode 144: How to be a Better Leader in 2022
Monday Dec 27, 2021
Monday Dec 27, 2021
Episode 144: How to be a Better Leader in 2022
What is our measurement of Leadership?
is it # of followers or something more
character of Christ taking root
you can identify others you helping grow
What are we doing to study leadership?
reading and listening
placing yourself in circumstances
Identify your blind spots.
ask others to help you see what you don't see
increase your self-awareness
Improve your skills in difficult conversations.
can't avoid them
Crucial Conversations
Share more leadership so you have room to grow
Jethro and Disciples
you can't share it if you're teaching and modeling it
Identify areas likely to de-rail your leadership

Monday Dec 20, 2021
Episode143: How to be a Better Pastor in 2022
Monday Dec 20, 2021
Monday Dec 20, 2021
Episode143: How to be a Better Pastor in 2022
Get to know yourself better
The Eureka moment is when they began to see their own strengths and weaknesses clearly.
Listen more
Pray for and with your people more often.
Be vulnerable
Invest in key individuals
Share the burden