Monday Jul 15, 2019
Episode 17: Pastoring A Family Run Church
Monday Jul 15, 2019
Monday Jul 15, 2019
They are often faithful givers
They are often willing servers
They are often strong relationally
When giving has conditions
When service isn't shared
When relationships are severed
When there is a leadership void -churches that change pastors a lot often have this dynamic.
Identify them quickly. Easy notice who people look at when groups enter the building. Notice who always has people around them.
Be able to identify your vision clearly.
Build relationships with all people, but build bridges to the family of influence.
Whenever a leadership void opens, fill it with someone outside the family as quickly as possible.
See warning signs of potential trouble and work to align the family with the church' vision.
Be patient. In the first 5 years, you will likely not have more influence than the family. Beyond the first 5 years, you begin to gain the credibility.
Avoid backbiting and when necessary hold your ground.
Monday Jul 08, 2019
Episode 16: Focus on the Positive
Monday Jul 08, 2019
Monday Jul 08, 2019
to encourage your church family
to show your faith and strength in a deeper way to your church family
Give thanks for those you have that are living out Jesus
Sundays - always say thank you to those who serve
Remind your folks that you trust in God and not in men
Change your expectations - expect things to go right and well
Monday Jul 01, 2019
Episode 15: Don't Count Me Out
Monday Jul 01, 2019
Monday Jul 01, 2019
- Start with a conversation -
Make sure to have a line of communication with family members
Have those with limitations - take you on a tour of your church
all on one level
Ramps and elevators - legal issues in new buildings
wide doors
Certain paint colors and media issues
We have started with children - making it easy for them to participate in musicals
Camp - whole nutha animal
Adults - its harder to get them involved - but ask and don't give up
Monday Jun 24, 2019
Episode 14: Mission Control
Monday Jun 24, 2019
Monday Jun 24, 2019
Missions is something we do - missional is something we are.
Missions can cultivate or crush a missional mindset.
A missional approach takes time to cultivate.
Being missional locally without doing or supporting missions beyond is short-sighted.
Doing missions without engaging your congregation in serving its community is disobedient.
Find a way to serve your community
Serve a school
Service day
Food bank
Consider an alternative service time for people who work Sundays
Individual church member projects
Explore a mission partnership beyond your community.
Are there options within your denomination?
Missions conference
Missions agency
Partnering with a larger church
Monday Jun 17, 2019
Episode 13: Placed and Called
Monday Jun 17, 2019
Monday Jun 17, 2019
General versus specific: called generally first
Short-term versus long-term:
The constancy of a call in our lives.
The freshness of God’s call
helps you rely on God
keeps you there when things are tough
encourages commitment to the family
Monday Jun 10, 2019
Episode 12: Dying For a Change
Monday Jun 10, 2019
Monday Jun 10, 2019
- Innovators
- Early adopters
- Early Majority
- Late Majority
- Laggards (which includes some never)
Have an honest expectation about change…some people will struggle
Worship wars are a great example. You change the style of worship, that is a huge change. People enjoy what they enjoy
If you can’t explain it clearly, don’t expect people to adjust.
People are not unspiritual if they struggle with change.
Monday Jun 03, 2019
Episode 11: Pastoring Your Community
Monday Jun 03, 2019
Monday Jun 03, 2019
Phone call to pray for a sick pet
Monday May 27, 2019
Episode 10: The Coyote Principle
Monday May 27, 2019
Monday May 27, 2019
Episode10 Notes: The Coyote Principle
What does the coyote principle mean?
Coyotes howling and yipping at night sounds like there has to be a whole bunch of them but people who study coyotes have found that there are rarely more than 2 or 3 together. I remember having nightmares of huge packs of coyotes.
So what does that mean for leadership?
- Just because someone tells you that a whole lot of people are wanting something doesn't make it true.
- Usually its just 2 maybe 3 - so ask them for names. Usually they won't give you names because they can't.
- The Ambush - If they come to you right before preaching or a big meeting - ask them to wait so that you can give them your attention afterward.
So how should you respond?
- Repeat back what you heard and ask "is this what you meant to say?"
- "I hear what you are saying and I will consider it"
- "Will you pray with me now about this?" - if they genuinely care about you and the church they will. If not they are showing that they are trying to manipulate you. Don't have to respond with defensive excuses. just listen or not
Dealing with the criticism
- You don't always have to respond
- Evaluate and see if the concerns reveal some things that you really need to consider and change.
- Make it easy for them to leave
- Get help and support from your lay leaders
- Guard your conversations about them: less is more
- Watch out for bitterness
Monday May 20, 2019
Episode 9: Scheduling the Daily Grind
Monday May 20, 2019
Monday May 20, 2019
Divide your day into 3 sections: morning; afternoon; evening
only work 2 of those sections
so if you have an evening meeting - take off morning or afternoon
Schedule tasks during best time of day for you to do that…ie study, emails, appointments, meetings...
Schedule your sermon prep/ get away from office?
Schedule a day off
Don’t use flexibility to short change your church
There are times that are busier. If I have camp - then I will take off a few days before and after
Share your leadership…someone said my best 42 were much better than my mediocre 50. Invest and leadership your church to invest in leaders.
Monday May 13, 2019
Episode 8: Pastoring in a Small Church
Monday May 13, 2019
Monday May 13, 2019
Episode 8: Pastoring a Small Church
New pastor at a small church - how not to blow things up
- Remember the folks in that church have been there a lot longer than you.
- Make only small changes for the first year. Pastor Poker (Episode #2)
- Become an amazing listener.
- most conflict goes away when people feel they have been heard
- Most people won't accept you as their pastor for at least 3 years so get settled. Jeremiah 29:5-7
- Have an older deacon take you around the area and show you where folks live.
- In a small town - you have to be involved in your community.
- help at school
- volunteer fire department
- local chamber
- work to become the pastor for the community - that is a win for your church.