
Monday May 02, 2022
Episode 162: Trust: The Currency of Change
Monday May 02, 2022
Monday May 02, 2022
Episode 162: Trust: The Currency of Change
Church revitalization is about leading change, and to lead change within the church, there must be trust.
A pastor cannot force a church or people to trust, instead, the pastor must build trust by demonstrating trustworthiness.
Building trust in your church will allow you to instigate change
Here are the statements from the PRA that are used to assess character that builds trust.
1. The pastor is viewed as a person others can trust.
2. The pastor has a confident certainty in words they speak.
3. The pastor can own up to personal struggles and failures and quickly asks for forgiveness from others.
4. The pastor reflects Christ-likeness in words and deeds.
5. The pastor demonstrates the character traits expected in others.
6. The pastor is looked to as a model for good attitude and right behavior. 7. The pastor is able to keep confidences and does not exaggerate.
8. The pastor is a trusted counselor for many people.
9. The pastor is competent with all the necessary skills of a pastor.
10. The pastor knows how to build consensus and does it regularly.
trust is built based upon two components: character and competence. Each of these is further broken down into two additional categories:
intent and integrity.
Intent, or the heart of character, is further broken down into three elements: caring, humility and openness.
Integrity is broken down into three elements as well: honesty, fairness and authenticity.
Competence is broken down into capability and results.
Contact Alan: alan@dtbatogether.com Contact Trent: gasconadevalleybaptist@gmail.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/enduringchurches Website: https://enduringchurches.com |

Monday Apr 25, 2022
Episode 161:Old Made New
Monday Apr 25, 2022
Monday Apr 25, 2022
Episode 160:Old Made New
Old things new
# 1 simple programs for simple discipleship
example: Bible Drill
# 2 smaller auditoriums; bigger fellowship areas
#3 Circuit Riding Preachers
# 4 The importance of the neighborhood
# 5. Renewed interest in prayer gatherings
What did we miss?

Monday Apr 18, 2022
Episode 160: Undigested Thinking
Monday Apr 18, 2022
Monday Apr 18, 2022
Episode 160: Undigested Thinking
Carey Nieuwhof addressed 4 types of thinking that will sabotage you. One of those, undigested thinking" got us to thinking about some experiences we have observed.
Trent's Thoughts
I have a ton of notes and notebooks from conferences.
Contact Alan: alan@dtbatogether.com Contact Trent: gasconadevalleybaptist@gmail.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/enduringchurches Website: https://enduringchurches.com |

Monday Apr 11, 2022
Epsiode159: Are You Coaching?
Monday Apr 11, 2022
Monday Apr 11, 2022
Epsiode159: Are You Coaching?
Are you intentionally coaching
Someone in your church?
Another pastor?
Scripture gives us examples and a plan.
Abraham and Isaac
Isaac and Jacob
Elijah and Elisha
David and Solomon
Jesus and Peter
Jesus and Judas
Barnabas and Paul
Paul and John Mark
Paul and Timothy
Alan: Alan@dtbatogether.com

Monday Apr 04, 2022
Episode158: Endurance Breakers
Monday Apr 04, 2022
Monday Apr 04, 2022
Episode158: Endurance Breakers
1. Building neglect
- falling apart
- smells
- clutter
- get outside eyes
- children's area
2. Worship woes
- is it the same it has been for the last 30 years
- you can be contemporary, traditional, or blended, but you can't be 1990 in any of those formats
3. Guest neglect
- No greeting area
- Not welcoming
- spotlighting
4. Insufficient Technology
- website out of date
- bad video quality
- poor audio quality
5. Little expectation
- don't plan for guests, you won't have guests
- no new member class
- Unwillingness to change
- desperation is the catalyst
- Uncaring hearts toward outsiders
- closed off to the community
Is there hope?
If our church has 1 or many of these characteristics, is there hope?
Begin with prayer - return to your first love
Loving others will only happen as an overflow.
First command - love and be loved by God
Second command - overflow into others

Monday Mar 28, 2022
Monday Mar 28, 2022
Episode 157: Our Interview With Bill and Jenn Rogers
A great number of people in our churches are in some form of a blended family. How are we helping families endure?
Bill and Jenn Rogers are here to help you! Get to know them here

Sunday Mar 20, 2022
Episode 156: Dear Younger Me
Sunday Mar 20, 2022
Sunday Mar 20, 2022
Episode 156: Dear Younger Me
6 statements I would like to say to myself
1. I am not the Holy Spirit
2. Take the High Road
3. Discernment in taking requests
- no to more things
- yes to more things
4. Say "I don't know" more often
5. Say "I'm sorry" more quickly
6. Engage with more pastors
Contact Alan: alan@dtbatogether.com
Contact Trent: gasconadevalleybaptist@gmail.com

Sunday Mar 20, 2022
Episode 155: Don’t Become a Professional Pharisee
Sunday Mar 20, 2022
Sunday Mar 20, 2022
Episode 155: Don’t Become a Professional Pharisee
We pass judgement on those who are “successful “
We pass judgement on those who write books
We critique those who speak at conferences
Why are we so critical?
We judge ourselves by our intentions and always give ourselves the benefit of the doubt
We judge others by what we think is their evil plan based on someone’s social media post
Why don’t we give others the benefit of the doubt?
Judge yourself with the same measure that you judge others
Contact Alan: alan@dtbatogether.com
Contact Trent: gasconadevalleybaptist@gmail.com

Sunday Mar 06, 2022
Episode 154: Becoming a Good Ministry Candidate
Sunday Mar 06, 2022
Sunday Mar 06, 2022
Episode 154: Becoming a Good Ministry Candidate
1. Bathe any ministry move or desire in prayer.
2. Consider the needs of churches.
3. Consider yourself and your family.
4. Ask yourself if co-vocational is a possibility
5. Put together a quality resume
- no gaps
- spell checked
- normal fonts
- both succinct and comprehensive
- good references
6. Answer uncomfortable questions up front
7. Be a humble candidate
a student of your role
a student of the community
- vulnerability in your deficiencies
8. Practice restraint and patience
churches typically move slowly
churches don't appreciate aggression in a ministry candidate

Monday Feb 28, 2022
Episode153:The Tensions of Discipleship
Monday Feb 28, 2022
Monday Feb 28, 2022
Episode153: The Tensions of Discipleship
The tensions of discipleship
people versus process
- if its all process people lose interest
- if its all people the process can be shortchanged
macro versus micro
- the large gathering cannot replace the small gathering for effectiveness in making strong disciples
- the micro is enhanced by the vision and support of the large gathering
hard accountability versus soft accountability
- clear expectations generate better results
- rigidity can frustrate growth
- Level of organization
leadership development versus spiritual growth
- disciples creates leaders
- good leaders may or may not create good disciples
Discipleship measurements
- % of people serving in the church
- % of people involved in outreach, evangelism, and missions
- time spent in prayer and the Bible
- commitment to a small group or mentoring relationship
Here are the books and resources compiled on the topic of discipleship.
Behold Your God by John Snyder
Celebration of Discipline by Foster
Conversion and Discipleship by Hull
Desiring God by John Piper
Disciplemaking by Billie Hanks
Discipleship Essesntials by Ogden
Exerpiencing God by Henry Blackaby
Into the Depths of God by Miller
Knowing God by JI Packer
MasterLife by Avery Willis
Real Life Discipleship Training Manual
Saturate by Vanderstelt
Spiritual Disciplines of the Christian Life by Don Whitney
The Pursuit of God by Tozer