
Monday Jul 11, 2022
Episode 172: Structural Damage
Monday Jul 11, 2022
Monday Jul 11, 2022
Episode 172: Structural Damage
Churches sometimes make failure possible with these structural problems:
Deacon's who control and don't serve
Pastors who control everything
Leadership teams that are too big or too small
Useless committees and teams
temas versus committees
indefinite commitments
Unreviewed documents
constitution every 5 years
build so you can grow 5 x times bigger
by-laws every couple of years
policies every year

Monday Jul 04, 2022
Episode 171: Rachelle and Dana Join Us to talk Encouragement
Monday Jul 04, 2022
Monday Jul 04, 2022
Episode 171: Rachelle and Dana Join Us to talk Encouragement
We hope you enjoy this special edition on July 4 featuring a discussion with our wives on the subject of encouragement.

Monday Jun 27, 2022
Episode 170: All the Premarital Stuff
Monday Jun 27, 2022
Monday Jun 27, 2022
Deal with issues now that would cause fights later
Opportunity to make sure the couple is "evenly yoked" (2 Corinthians 6:14)
if not share Jesus with them both
Develop a relationship so they feel they have someone to turn to later when they are struggling.
Very few couples have godly marriages to mentor them. Even kids who grew up in Christian homes may not have had parents who were intentional about training them how to be a godly husband/wife.
Even if you do not want to do the counseling for the couple, you must encourage them to seek counseling from a Christian counselor or another pastor. You will still need to meet with them to plan the ceremony.
The answer to this relates to the next question but recommend 3 months before wedding
Pastor in Colorado who does pre-engagement counseling. If you haven't done counseling with him before you get engaged, he won't do your wedding. His reason is that once a couple is engaged, it is nearly impossible to tell them they shouldn't get married if you feel they are incompatible.
Recommend 6 sessions if this is the first marriage for both.
Recommend 8 sessions if this is not the first marriage for either.
Mention Bill and Jen Rogers Stepfamily Mission Possible ministry. [Link to Episode 157] Many stepfamily couples will benefit from hearing from couples who have been through similar circumstances.
Sessions should only last 1 hour
30 minutes for ceremony planning - remind them that this is their ceremony - not mom's
30 minutes for counseling ( some issues may come up during the ceremony planning that may uncover a counseling need)
Common interests
Please have a rehearsal with all the folks who will be involved in the ceremony.
If possible have the rehearsal after the rehearsal dinner.
Rehearsal should only last 30 minutes
introduce yourself to family and wedding party - then pray
place everyone on the stage and get bride's approval for placement of people
practice leaving
practice entering and getting into place
talk through schedule and make sure everyone knows what they are doing (rings, handing off bouquet etc)
If you have the ceremony planned before hand with the couple - this will go smoothly - the rehearsal is not the time to make decisions.
If one of the "moms" tries to make changes - simply respond with "I appreciate your ideas but this is how the couple would like things to happen."
last thing is to tell everyone what time to be there for pictures and ask who will bring the marriage license
check in with Bridal party
check in with groom dudes
Make sure rings and marriage license are there
make sure you have all that you need including printed ceremony and mic if necessary
after the ceremony, sign the marriage license and talk to the couple about their plan for filing it with the county clerk
SYMBIS Pre-marital Assessment
Our Interview with Bill and Jenn Rogers

Monday Jun 20, 2022
Episode 169: Breaking Up is Hard to Do!
Monday Jun 20, 2022
Monday Jun 20, 2022
Episode 169: Breaking Up is Hard to Do!
Conflict will usually need to end in one of four ways:
If you pastor long enough, you will deal with this situation...a moment you and someone else or a group of people have to agree to disagree, but there is not enough agreement to keep the parties together.
Example: Paul and Barnabas over John Mark
Some questions to ask:
Contact Alan: alan@dtbatogether.com
Contact Trent: gasconadevalleybaptist@gmail.com

Monday Jun 13, 2022
Episode 168: The Servant Leadership Soapbox
Monday Jun 13, 2022
Monday Jun 13, 2022
Episode 168: he Servant Leadership Soapbox
The frustration is that leadership has been confused with seeking power and servanthood has been associated with nobility
We need leaders who have the heart of servants.
We need servants who have a true piety
We should all strive to be good servants.
We should develop our leadership to enhance our influence.

Monday Jun 06, 2022
Episode 167: One Year In
Monday Jun 06, 2022
Monday Jun 06, 2022
Episode 167: One Year In
Today, Trent and Alan talk about reflections to make one year into a new ministry.

Monday May 30, 2022
Episode 166: Do You Procrastinate
Monday May 30, 2022
Monday May 30, 2022
Episode 166: Do You Procrastinate
Why do we procrastinate?
Worry - If you're like me I overthink things and I worry about reactions of others.
We think too much - Things can become huge in my mind - but they really are very small
The 5 rule - If it won't matter in 5 years then don't spend 5 minutes worrying about it
Lots of Distractions
It’s not easy to keep focused in a world full of distractions.
Some things we just don't like to do - or we are not good at them
What things do you put off because you don't enjoy them?
Make a list and do them First and Fast
personality type
But there are 3 steps you can take to end procrastination:
Please realize we don’t procrastinate because we’re lazy. The solution is not ‘time management’ or psyching ourselves up.
We procrastinate because our self-worth is hurt in some way. We doubt our capacities or haven’t learned yet to manage our emotions.
That’s why we need to re-shape our belief in ourselves, and that starts by forgiving ourselves!
The next step is to set up an inspiring but achievable goal.
Why do we set such far away goals like becoming billionaires or changing the world? Many times it’s because we know they can’t be achieved in the short term, so we protect ourselves from ‘failing’ on them.
Do this instead: challenge yourself to very, very small things. Depending on your level of procrastination it can be things like finishing this email, getting up from bed, or sending one report.
The most difficult part is always to start, so make it easy and start small.
Break your big goals into small, little chunks.
Every time that you accomplish something, celebrate! Overcoming procrastination is about building your self-esteem way more than forcing yourself to work.
God has created you to do good works and He has prepared them in advance!
The things you hate to do are the same things that God has created someone else with the skills and desire to do well. So ask for help!!!!!

Monday May 23, 2022
Episode 165: How To Recapture Lost Vision
Monday May 23, 2022
Monday May 23, 2022
Episode 165: How To Recapture Lost Vision
Signs of lost vision:
- declining church
- lack of joy
- strife
- nothing that rallies the congregation
Why do we lose vision?
- tired - stopped seeking God
- frustrated - we stop learning
How do we recapture vision
- Go back to basics: start with the Gospel
- Get involved with a visionary
- Find encouragers
- Change your outlook: be positive and set an optimistic tone
- In some cases, ask if it's time to move on.
Contact Alan: alan@dtbatogether.com
Contact Trent: gasconadevalleybaptist@gmail.com

Monday May 16, 2022
Episode 164: Does the Size of a Church Matter?
Monday May 16, 2022
Monday May 16, 2022
Episode 164: Does the Size of a Church Matter?
If size is used as a sole determinant of God's favor, then absolutely not.
However understanding your churches size is important?
Size is fluid for most churches, however some churches practice intentional sizing
Discipleship and leadership development are critical at any size, but it looks different
The smaller the size, the quicker change can take place, but often the consequences of those changes is quite high.
Contact Alan: alan@dtbatogether.com
Contact Trent: gasconadevalleybaptist@gmail.com

Monday May 09, 2022
Episode 163: Connecting and Preaching
Monday May 09, 2022
Monday May 09, 2022
The ultimate Question?
Contact Alan: alan@dtbatogether.com
Contact Trent: gasconadevalleybaptist@gmail.com