
Monday Feb 06, 2023
Episode 202: Raising Expectations From Zero
Monday Feb 06, 2023
Monday Feb 06, 2023
Episode 202: Raising Expectations From Zero
If you don't plant, you won't harvest.
We need to build a sense of expectations:
Plan for decisions
Plan for new members
Plan for outreach and missions
Expect people to step out and lead
Contact Alan: alan@dtbatogether.com
Contact Trent: gasconadevalleybaptist@gmail.com

Monday Jan 30, 2023
Episode 201: Preacher or Pastor
Monday Jan 30, 2023
Monday Jan 30, 2023
Has the wrong motivation
in it for the money
in it for name recognition
Is motivated by God's Word
Gets involved in the lives of His congregation
Allows for the joy and pain of close church relationships
Is all in when needed
Because he knows his people and God's Word always has something to say.

Sunday Jan 22, 2023
Episode 200: 8 Revelations from Our First 200 Episodes
Sunday Jan 22, 2023
Sunday Jan 22, 2023
Episode 200: 8 Revelations from Our First 200 Episodes
We know a lot less than we than we thought.
Lone Ranger Pastors are far too common. see episode 120
The cultural shifts in churches over the life of our podcast has been monumental.
We started pre-covid
Covid exaggerated the health or lack of health of churches
The Pastoral shortage and church leader shortage is growing faster than anyone thought
small is the new large
needs to be lifted up - but not worshipped
needs to be leading the church - but not burned out

Monday Jan 16, 2023
Episode 199: The Meeting Before the Meeting
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Episode 199: The Meeting Before the Meeting
who is most invested in the topic we will be discussing?
ask them to explain why this is important to them.
what are the non negotiables - things they won't give in on
who among the member is most highly regarded and trusted?
answer all questions this person may have about the upcoming meeting.b
ask if they would support the item being voted on - if not why not.
ask them what potential problems they see.
who is most likely to stir the pot?
ask what info they would need
ask what questions they could see coming up during the meeting
you will avoid most conflict
as a leader you will be able to guide the conversation by sharing the most important info or leading others to share that info.
You will have the opportunity to have the answers ahead of time to questions that will probably come up during the actual meeting!

Monday Jan 09, 2023
Episode 198: Preparing for a Storm
Monday Jan 09, 2023
Monday Jan 09, 2023
who does this?
how long before the service?
Leadership who decides if service is cancelled?
Social media/texting
Local TV
Local Radio
Send out robo call
- Website
designate one person to do communication
clearing sidewalks
greeters and helpers
mop to dry up water on the floor
have umbrellas handy for greeters to help people from cars
mop to dry up water on the floor
does the church have a designated shelter?
do teachers and leaders know where?
Communicate to families that everyone is ok

Monday Jan 02, 2023
Episode 197: Preparing for a New Year
Monday Jan 02, 2023
Monday Jan 02, 2023
We all work differently, but some of the things I have done:
1. A Word for the year
In October, I begin praying God would give me a "word" for the coming year. For instance this year was "design." I knew God was leading our association in a new direction. Just as God designed the world with intentional purpose, we need to set up our association with a deliberate design. In the past, the word has been "discipleship" or "trust." The word sets the tone for the year. For me this year is "construct." We are in the process of building a new associational model based on our new design.
2. A vision series
As a senior pastor January was a month where I would always take a Sunday to lay out a visionary message for the church. From the time I sensed I had my "word" from God, I had opportunity to examine the Scripture more closely. Since the word usually arose from my own study, that process was typically natural, but sometimes the word would lead me down a pathway of study that challenged me and surprised me. The most important part in preaching a vision series is that you can share what the church should look like at the end of the year. A vision sermon might be one week, but most of mine ended up being two to four weeks.
3. Personal Development
What are you going to do to grow yourself over the next year? Many pastors don't have an intentional plan of growth. One example I can remember is a sense where I needed to grow a bigger desire for international missions. I registered for a February conference across the country held by a church passionate about missions. By Easter, I had taken a trip to Lebanon, and my church was joining me in developing a greater passion for missions. Books, Conferences, accountability groups or cohorts, seminary or certifications...what are you going to do to develop your skills? (As the churches of DTBA, we are here to help you in this.)
4. A Challenge to be addressed
In ministry, we all grow frustrated with the infrequent attendance issues of our congregation. One year, I challenged our church to address this issue. I asked them to consider their attendance patterns and challenged them to see if greater faithfulness made a difference in their lives. For many it did. We reaped the benefits, we also felt the challenge as it was a year the enemy really attacked our church. That year I saw the benefit of addressing challenges directly. Because we were learning to face obstacles, we were able to overcome them more easily.
Contact Alan: alan@dtbatogether.com
Contact Trent: gasconadevalleybaptist@gmail.com

Tuesday Dec 27, 2022
Episode196: How Things Will Be Different in 2023
Tuesday Dec 27, 2022
Tuesday Dec 27, 2022
Episode196: How Things Will Be Different in 2023
Outside forces
Trent's Plan
Contact Alan: alan@dtbatogether.com
Contact Trent: gasconadevalleybaptist@gmail.com

Monday Dec 19, 2022
Episode 195: Momentum Makers
Monday Dec 19, 2022
Monday Dec 19, 2022
Episode 195: 8 Momentum Makers
Want to build momentum?
Community Engagement
A guest speaker
Host a conference
A special emphasis
Mission trips
Paying off a debt/ sometimes building a facility
People Called to ministry

Monday Dec 12, 2022
Episode 194: Guard the Trust
Monday Dec 12, 2022
Monday Dec 12, 2022
Episode 194: Guard the Trust
Some Things A Pastor Must Protect
What is taught in the church
Guest speaker
Sunday school classes or small groups
shadow pastor
doctrinal alignment...our own theology
How your people are treated and treat one another
Thermostat - maybe the one on the wall, but you create an atmosphere

Monday Dec 05, 2022
Episode193: Planning Your Sermon Retreat
Monday Dec 05, 2022
Monday Dec 05, 2022
Episode 193: Planning Your Sermon Retreat
The retreat:
Contact Alan: alan@dtbatogether.com
Contact Trent: gasconadevalleybaptist@gmail.com